Development of Early Childhood Teacher Supervision Model to Provide Experience According to the Early Childhood Education Curriculum B.E. 2560 in Medium-Sized Schools under the Foundation of the Church of Christ in Thailand
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This research article to develop a model for supervising early childhood teachers in organizing experiences according to the Early Childhood Education Curriculum 2017 in medium-sized schools under the Foundation of the Church of Christ in Thailand. The research methodology employed purposive sampling, selecting 7 medium-sized schools under the Foundation of the Church of Christ in Thailand. The data providers included administrators and kindergarten teachers, with 5 participants per school, totaling 35 people. Wattana Wittaya Academy was designated as the experimental school. The participants included 1 director, 1 head of kindergarten student affairs, and 11 kindergarten teachers from levels 1-3, totaling 13 people. The statistical methods used were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and t-test for dependent samples. The research results indicated that the overall supervision of early childhood teachers in organizing experiences according to the Early Childhood Education Curriculum 2017 in medium-sized schools under the Foundation of the Church of Christ in Thailand was at a low level. The developed model of early childhood teacher supervision, named the “P-PER Model”, comprises four components: (1) planning the supervision of experience provision, (2) following the plan, (3) monitoring and evaluating, and (4) reflecting the results. The evaluation of the model showed an Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) value of 1.00, indicating high consistency between the questions and the objectives. Comparing the experimental results, it was found that the mean score after the experiment was significantly higher than before the experiment at a statistical level of .01. The results of using the model in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, and value were at a high level. Additionally, there were suggestions to use the model as an innovation in educational administration in the future.
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