The information and communication technology administration model of school director under office of the basic education commission

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Thitamon Chaisakda
Khattlya Duangsamran


The objectives of the study were: 1) to study the components of the information                   and communication technology administration model of school director under office of the basic education commission, 2) to Create and develop a model of the information and communication technology administration model of school director under office of the basic education commission, 3) to evaluate and verify the implication of the information and communication technology administration model of school director under office of the basic education commission. The mixed methods research was used in this study. The sample group was secondary schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission from 310 locations. The data providers were 3 persons totaling 930 informants. The statistics used in the analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis. The results of the research were as follows: 1. The components of the information and communication technology administration of school director under office of the basic education commission were found 5components, a total of 95 variables. 2. The information and communication technology administration of school director under office of the basic education commission were found 5 components as 1) Application of information and communication technology 2) information and communication technology as a foundation 3) information and communication technology in planning 4) information and communication technology leadership 5) information and communication technology in educational institutions 3. The 5 components of the information and communication technology administration of school director under office of the basic education commission were at 100% verification of the acceptable range of accuracy, suitability, possibility, and practicality, corresponding to the theoretical studies.

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