An Electronic Media Teaching System on Sufficiency Economy for The Upper Secondary School Students Samutprakarn Province
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The objectives of this research are 1) to study the knowledge of the teaching system via electronic media on the subject of Sufficiency Economy; for high school students 2) to test the teaching system through electronic media 3) to develop the teaching system through electronic media 4) To evaluate and certify the efficiency of the teaching system through electronic media. Sufficiency Economy For high school students Samut Prakan Province This is a research and development project (Research and Development = R&D). The tools used in the research include an interview form with 10 people and a satisfaction assessment form from 34 students, selected specifically. Statistics used in research include percentages, averages, standard deviations, and values t-test dependent samples. The results of the research found that: 1. Results of the study of knowledge of the teaching system via electronic media on the topic of Sufficiency Economy For high school students Samut Prakan Province. From the study, it was found that the knowledge obtained from the research included 1) Instructor side 2) Content side 3) Learning activity side 4) Measurement and evaluation side 5) Instructional media side 6) Learner side 2. Results of the study for the development of the teaching system through electronic media on the topic of Sufficiency Economy For high school students Samut Prakan Province Satisfaction with the teaching system through electronic media Overall it was at a high level with an average of ( = 4.22, S.D.= 0.75) 3. Results of the study for the development of teaching systems through electronic media. which can be concluded that the academic achievement after studying is higher than before studying, which was 31.45 / 48.45 with a statistical value t = 70.96, which is statistically significant. Statistics at level .05. 4. Results of studies to evaluate and certify the effectiveness of teaching systems through electronic media. Sufficiency Economy For high school students Samut Prakan Province It can be concluded that Overall, it was at a high level with an average of ( = 4.35, S.D.= 0.30)
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