Development of a manual for the use of local herbs in the treatment primary illness for the Ban Thung Talumpuk community, Non-Hom Subdistrict, Amphoe Mueang, Prachinburi Province

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Phra Chaiyawat Chayawadhano (Inthawe)
Phramaha Somboon Sudhammo
Somchai Srinok


This Article aimed to study (1) To explore the problems and needs of using local herbs to treat primary illnesses for the Ban Thung Talumpuk community, Non Hom Subdistrict, Mueang District, Prachinburi Province,  (2) To develop a manual for using local herbs to treat primary illnesses for the Ban Thung Talumpuk community, Non Hom Subdistrict, Mueang District, Prachinburi Province and (3) To assess satisfaction with the use of local herbs to treat primary illnesses for the Ban Thung Talumpuk community, Non Hom Subdistrict, Mueang District, Prachinburi Province.  It is a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. The concept of traditional Thai medicine theory is balance from the four elements (earth, water, wind, and fire). The research area is Ban Thung Talumpuk Community, Non Hom Subdistrict, Mueang District, Prachinburi Province The sample group consisted of 214 people. Key informants included five local philosophers, local herbal experts, using a purposive selection method. There are 2 types of instruments used in the research: 1) questionnaire and 2) interview form.  Data were analyzed using statistics, including percentages, means, and standard deviations. Qualitative research section Used to analyze interview content and write descriptive narratives. The research results were found as follows; 1. The results of a survey of problems and needs for using local herbs for the Ban Thung Talumpuk community found that The population of Ban Thung Talumpuk community, Village No. 12, Mueang District, Prachinburi Province has become more interested in bringing local herbs to treat disease. By boiling and drinking as herbal water. Use herbal water to massage and soak your feet.  Including being a community service center            . 2. The development of a manual for using local herbs for the Ban Thung Talumpuk community, Non Hom Subdistrict, Mueang District, Prachinburi Province, found that  1) Knowledge about the use of herbs Overall, it is at a high level. 2) Perception of herbal benefits Overall, the level of opinions was at a high level. 3) Satisfaction in using herbs Overall, the level of opinions was at a high level. 3. Evaluation of satisfaction with the use of local herbs for the Ban Thung Talumpuk community found that Satisfaction with the manual for using herbs was at the highest level and satisfaction with using herbs was at the highest level.

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