The Environment and Natural Resource Conservation System in the Khao Kradong Forest Park through the Power of Baworns at Buriram Buddhist College

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Phra Maha Chettha Thanacharo (Angkorram)
Somchai Srinok
Niwes Wongsuwan


This research article aimed to 1) Study the components of the system for conserving nature, environmental resources in Khao Kradong Park. 2) Create and develop a system for conserving nature, environmental resources in Khao Kradong Park with the power of Buriram Sangha College. Buriram is research and development. The population used in this study included in-depth interviews divided into 6 groups: conservation Environmental aspect, Palang Bowon aspect, forestry aspect, community leaders and villagers, totaling 17 people The experimental population consisted of 25 monks, citizens, students, and youths, obtained from purposive random sampling. The tools used in the research include an interview form, a group discussion form with questions that include discussion points to obtain information for system development, and a questionnaire which is an activity evaluation form. Statistics used in the research include percentages, averages, standard deviations. The research findings indicated as follows: 1. The knowledge regarding the environment and natural resource conservation system in the Khao Kradong Forest Park included houses, temples, and schools located in the vicinity of Khao Kradong Forest Park, Buriram Province.  2. The development of the environment and natural resource conservation system in the Khao Kradong Forest Park through the Power of Baworns, led by the Luang Ta Kob Model, included 1) Forest planting activity to foster faith, 2) Volunteer activity for forest conservation, 3) Conservation photography activity, 4) Community forest ordination activity, 5) Forest planting running activity, 6) Water retention dam construction activity, 7) Meditation activity in the forest, and 8) Eco-tourism activity for natural resource conservation.  3. The results of testing the environment and natural resource conservation system included eight activities, which, based on the criteria considered before implementation, were rated at a satisfactory quality level (6 x 100 / 60 = 74). After implementation, the quality level improved to very good (10 x 100 / 10 = 100).  4. The overall evaluation result of the environment and natural resource conservation system was at the highest level (𝑥̅ = 4.62, S.D.=0.67), and was rated at the highest level in all aspects.

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Research Article


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