Guidelines on the Development of Learning Organization of Banhanjamsaiwittaya 3 School

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Supitcha Choosrijan
Vorakarn Suksodkiew


This Article aimed to study 1) Learning organization of Banhanjamsaiwittaya 3 School 2) The development guideline of learning organization of anhanjamsaiwittaya 3 School. The populations were 137 personnel of Banhanjamsaiwittaya 3 School, consisted of 1 school director, 4 deputy school directors, 128 government teachers and 4 government employees. The research instrument was opinionnaire regarding learning organization, based on the concept of Senge and structured interview on the development guidelines of learning organization. Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The results found. 1) The learning organization of Banhanjamsaiwittaya 3 school and each aspect were at high level. Sorted by arithmetic means, in descending order, team learning, personnel mastery, mental models, systems thinking and shared. 2) There were developmental guidelines of learning organization of Banhanjamsaiwittaya 3 school. They are 16 ways to develop.

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