Leadership Impacting the Implementation of Quality Assurance Standards and Procedures in Educational Institutions Under the Songkhla Provincial Office of Learning Encouragement
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This descriptive research aimed to 1) study the level of leadership of school administrators, 2) study the level of implementation of criteria and methods of internal quality assurance in educational institutions, and 3) study the leadership of school administrators under the Songkhla Provincial Learning Promotion Office that affected the implementation of criteria and methods of internal quality assurance in educational institutions under the Songkhla Provincial Learning Promotion Office. The sample group is teachers and educational personnel under the Songkhla Provincial Learning Promotion Office. In fiscal year 2024, there were 207 samples. The research instrument was a 5-level Likert scale questionnaire. The content validity was between 0.67 - 1.00. The reliability of the questionnaire part 2 was 0.966 and the reliability of the questionnaire part 3 was 0.934. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's simple correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The research results found that leadership that affects the implementation of criteria and methods for internal quality assurance in educational institutions under the Songkhla Provincial Learning Promotion Office, overall and in each aspect, is at a high level. Implementation of criteria and methods for internal quality assurance in educational institutions under the Songkhla Provincial Learning Promotion Office, overall and in each aspect, is at a high level. Leadership of administrators that affects the implementation of criteria and methods for internal quality assurance in educational institutions under the Songkhla Provincial Learning Promotion Office. That is, academic leadership (X5), transformational leadership (X4), and participative leadership (X1) can predict the implementation of the criteria and methods of internal quality assurance in educational institutions by 79.00 percent (R2 = .790) and have a standard error of prediction of .295 (SE.est = 0.295). It was found that the multiple regression coefficient of the predictive variables was statistically significant at the .001 level. The predictive equation in the form of standard scores is as follows = 370 (X5)*** + .355 (X4)*** + .212 (X1)***.
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