The Motivation to Work of Personnels in Bannongngulueam (Pracharatbamrung) School
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The research aimed to determine:1) the motivation to work of personnels in school, 2) the guidelines for motivation to work of personnels in Bannonggnulueam (Pracharatbamrung) school. This research was descriptive research. The population of this research was Ban NongNgu Luam School (Pracharath Bamrung), Nakhon Pathom, as the Unit of analysis. The instrument was an opinionnaire and focus group discussion form. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The findings of this study were as follows: 1. The motivation to work of personnels, overall and each factor were at high level. 2.The guidelines for motivation were make a plan to set the direction, understand that everyone has the same goal, organize school activities and projects that can promote skills for personnel, Inform personnel information when they have outstanding performance, continuously develop yourself, promote participatory work, find new techniques to increase your skills, assign work according to each person's aptitude, attend training seminars and study tours in various places, that everyone had the same opinion that the creating guidelines for motivation to work of personnels in Bannonggnulueam (Pracharatbamrung) school was multiple method.
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