The Measurement and Evaluation Administration of Potisarnpittayakorn School
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The purposes of this research were to determine 1) the management of educational measurement and evaluation at Potisarnpittayakorn School and 2) approaches to promote and improve the management of educational measurement and evaluation at Potisarnpittayakorn School. The sample consists of 30 administrators and teachers at Potisarnpittayakorn School. The research tools used are: 1) a question on opinions regarding the level of management of educational measurement and evaluation at the school, and 2) an open-ended questionnaire for suggestions on promoting and improving the management of educational measurement and evaluation. The statistics used for data analysis include frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The findings were as follows: 1) The overall management of educational measurement and evaluation at Potisarnpittayakorn School is at a high level. 2) The approaches to promote and improve the management of educational measurement and evaluation at Potisarnpittayakorn School are multifaceted, with five main areas consisting of 32 specific suggestions and 96 practical guidelines. For example, holding meetings to explain the importance of diagnostic test creation to teachers and staff, assigning teachers and personnel to handle educational measurement and evaluation roles based on their qualifications, knowledge, ability, and interest, preparing information and resources on the school's educational measurement and evaluation process, aligning achievement measurement with curriculum changes and 21st century learning, appointing a committee to oversee and evaluate the educational measurement and evaluation process, and preparing forms, manuals, announcements, orders, and other official documents related to the rules of academic performance evaluation. No developmental approaches were identified. And since all variables have arithmetic mean values higher than 3.50, there is no guideline for development.
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