Personnel Management That Affects Teachers’Work Motivation in School Under Nakhon Pathom Primary Educational Sarvice Area District Office 2
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This thesis has objectives 1) To study the personnel management of schools under the jurisdiction of the Nakhon Pathom Primary Education Service Area Office, District 2; 2) the motivation of teachers in schools under the jurisdiction of the Nakhon Pathom Primary Educational Service Area District, Office 2; and 3) To study the management of human resources that affects the motivation of teachers in schools under the Nakhon Pathom Primary Education Service Area Office, District 2. The sample consists of 4 informants from each educational institution, including 1 school administrator, 1 head of the human resources management group, and 2 teachers, totaling 368 individuals from 92 schools under the Nakhon Pathom Primary Education Service Area Office, District 2. The sampling was conducted using the Krejcie and Morgan table, and the sampling method employed was stratified random sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire regarding human resource management according to the guidelines of the Teachers' Council of Thailand and motivation in work performance based on the concepts of Kamolrat Lhasuwong. The statistical methods used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, hypothesis testing, and multiple regression analysis. The research findings indicate that: 1. The overall management of personnel under the Office of the Primary Education Service Area in Nakhon Pathom District 2 is at a high level. 2. The motivation for teachers' performance in schools under the Office of the Primary Education Service Area in Nakhon Pathom District 2 is also at a high level. 3. The management of personnel that affects the motivation for teachers' performance in schools under the Office of the Primary Education Service Area in Nakhon Pathom District 2 includes aspects such as enhancing morale and encouragement for teachers and staff in educational institutions, developing teachers and staff to perform their duties effectively, and appropriately assigning personnel to their responsibilities. These three variables together predict the motivation for teachers' performance in schools under the Office of the Primary Education Service Area in Nakhon Pathom District 2 at a rate of 41.0% (R2 = 0.405). The multiple regression prediction equation can be written as follows: Prediction equation in raw score form: 𝑌 ′ = 1.591 + .569 (X4) + .158 (X3) + .082 (X2) Prediction equation in standard score form: 𝑍’ = .583 (X4) + .154 (X3) + .096 (X2)
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