Development of Mathematics Camp Activities Based on Place-based Education : Ancient City Dong Lakhon

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Prajak Poosaat
Pongsatorn Mahavijit
Udomluk Koolsriroj


The purposes of this research article were 1) to develop a mathematics camp activities based on place-based education: Ancient City Dong Lakhon on mathematical intelligence and teamwork skills; 2) to compare the mathematical intelligence of students who have participated in the mathematics camp activities based on place-based education: Ancient City Dong Lakhon with the 60 percent criterion; and 3) to assess the teamwork skills of students who have participated in the mathematics camp activities based on place-based education: Ancient City Dong Lakhon. The target group used in this research was 11 Prathom Suksa 4-5 in the second semester of the 2023 academic year at Wat Santiwatthanaram School, Dong Lakhon Subdistrict, Mueang District, Nakhon Nayok Province, who were selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were: 1) a mathematics camp activity plan based on place-based education: Ancient City Dong Lakhon Ancient City, consisting of 5 activities, 2) a mathematics intelligence test, and 3) a teamwork skills assessment form.  The research results found that 1) the plan for organizing the mathematics camp activities based on place-based education: Ancient City Dong Lakhon, all 5 activities, had the most appropriate quality assessment results, 2) the results of measuring the mathematical intelligence of students who participated in the mathematics camp activities based on place-based education: Ancient City Dong Lakhon, overall, had an average value of 13.75, accounting for 68.75 percent, higher than the 60 percent criterion, 3) the results of the teamwork skills assessment of students who participated in the mathematics camp activities based on place-based education: Ancient City Dong Lakhon from 3 types of assessment, namely, students' self-assessment, peer assessment, and teacher assessment, overall, had an average value of 4.22, 4.24, and 4.30, respectively, which was at the level of frequently practiced behavior.

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How to Cite
Poosaat, P. ., Mahavijit , P. ., & Koolsriroj, U. . (2025). Development of Mathematics Camp Activities Based on Place-based Education : Ancient City Dong Lakhon. The Journal of Research and Academics, 8(1), 307–322.
Research Article


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