The study of Mangraithammasat to synthesize the spirit of law.

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พิทักษ์ ศศิสุวรรณ


The study of Mangraithammasat to synthesize the spirit of law objective was to study the Mangraithammasat and analyze the spirits within the context of the provisions provided.

            The scope of the study included the provision which reflects the social order in the age of King Mangrai. The decoded Lanna law shows the orderly base which was the society was built on. The order of Lanna culture brought people from different linage, believe and way of life to live together in harmony in the same kingdom. The provisions could be categorized by the purpose of the legislator as follow;

  1. Law regarding war and forces of the kingdom

  2. Administration law of social order and public order

  3. Family and livelihood of citizen’s law encouraging the unity of people

The research decoded and analyze the concept and philosophy which will further be used as a coverage of the subject matter within Historical of law class. Moreover, the information collected for this research could be integrated in future class presentation.

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How to Cite
ศศิสุวรรณ พ. (2018). The study of Mangraithammasat to synthesize the spirit of law. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 2(2), 15–59. Retrieved from
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