Thai Legal Measures against Drug Addiction
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Reducing the number of drug users is an important factor in the prevention and suppression of drug-related offenses by the state. Solving the problems of drug users in Thailand According to the narcotics law, drug addicts are still offenders with criminal penalties. But there are treatment, measures,Treatment according to the principle that drug users are patients In three characteristics. 1.compulsory treatment according to the law for drug addicts rehabilitation, 2.voluntary therapy and 3.convict treatment Found that there are still obstacles, problems and unable to treat drug addicts Causing repeated offenses and drug users are eventually sent to criminal penalties. Guidelines for solving drug problems in foreign countries. It is based on the idea that drug users are not criminals, but are patients that require treatment, rehabilitation as well. But has separated the addicts that are not serious or that are dangerous to society from being a criminal offender absolutely. To rehabilitate the addicts until they have ceased being addicted to drugs. Without time limits. There is a change in the method of treatment and rehabilitation plan according to the circumstances. No criminal charges were brought back. This approach should be studied and adopted to resolve legal measures for rehabilitation of drug addicts in Thailand. In order to solve the problems of drug users effectively.
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