Human Rights : Comparative Study in Buddhism

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ดิเรก ควรสมาคม


This reseach aims to study the principles and ideas of human rights in western society in order to find the knowledge of human rights within buddhist belief in comparative study of human rights in western and buddhist principle. The study was done using qualitative research approach by seeking information from documents, in depth interview and documentary content analysis. The information derived from interview was transcribed and conclude. the result were as follows;

Human rights concept was originated from the philosophical and religion principle including political struggle for civil rights, freedom, equality and the recognition of human dignity  within western society  for age as recorded within the declaration of Human rights. Buddhism, on the other hand, has different approach to the same dilemma. The word “Human Rights” was not presented in any buddhist teachings. Even so, the comparative analysis of the context shows alternative approach which were 1. Everyone’s rights to access the “path” (of buddhism enlightenment). 2. Respect of every living beings. 3. The teachings in which everyone from any social class were equal and must respect each other. The “Root” of life or morals. The human dignity in buddhist teachings was to reduce the sense of selfishness, hatred and desire because these factors destroy human dignity. There were case studies of the Tripitaka (Budhist Scripture) in comparison with Human Rights, such as Vessantarajataka, the story which Vessantara  donated his children and wife to a stranger. The issue of ordaining  prohibition on some type of person. The reason were (1) It was hard to pertained to the discipline in such a state. (2) In order to be enlightened, one was not needed to be ordained. Buddhism allow women to be become a nun under specific regulation. Buddhism sees inequality as natural so it might not be conform with Human Rights in this regard. Buddhism and Human Rights was different in terms of freedom, The religion believe in balance but worldly freedom was the freedom as one please.

From research result, the suggestion was to provide more knowledge of buddhism regarding Human Rights to Thai society. The temples should cooperate in establishing the center of learning in part of Human rights within the knowledge of buddhism, the Human Rights network in accordance with the path of  buddhism including online Dhama and Human Rights media.

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How to Cite
ควรสมาคม ด. (2020). Human Rights : Comparative Study in Buddhism. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 4(2), 133–160. Retrieved from
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