The Administrative Country under Populist Approach: Lessons Learned of the Failure of Foreign Populations and the Implementation of Thai Government Policies

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ยุทธศาสตร์ หน่อแก้ว
Nethima Kaimook
Pikun Supanam


This academic article has a purpose to study the administration of the country, under the failed populist of Argentina, Greece and Venezuela including to the implementation populist policies of Thai government, during 2001-1977. To analyze the lessons of populism that failed from abroad to be combined with the policy of Thai government from the past to the present. To summarize the comparative analysis and recommend the further academic.The results showed that the policy implementation "The populism who fails from the abroad" and "The populism of Thai governments" It can be summarized that 4 aspects:1) The populist policies have been successful as a tool in the election campaign. In order to gain political power in the administration of political. 2) Populist policies lead to economic wastage and it can’t make that the quality of life is better.3) The countries that used populism as their primary policy in managing, they will get the psychological effects on the changing behavior. In cause of the populace become populism.

4) Most populist failures who from many countries are caused by severe inflation (hyperinflation), leading to economic destruction, which the Thai government has never faced this situation.

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How to Cite
หน่อแก้ว ย., Kaimook, N., & Supanam, P. (2020). The Administrative Country under Populist Approach: Lessons Learned of the Failure of Foreign Populations and the Implementation of Thai Government Policies. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 4(2), 1–35. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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