Development Process of Sports Administration in Sports Center, Bangkok

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            This research is about the development process of sports administration in Bangkok Sports Center. The objectives are to study the operating conditions and to study the problem on the operation of Bangkok Sports Center under Culture, Sports and Tourism Department. This research uses surveys to collect data from a group of 440 samples and the development process guideline of the sports operation uses group conversation of 18 experts. The researchers have used the following statistic methods to analyze data: Descriptive Statistic, which use frequency distribution, percentage value, averages, and standard deviation; Inferential Statistic, which use to test and analyze T-Test and F-Test. The study results found that the operating conditions of Bangkok Sports Center has operated at 65.9%, which is at high level. Thus, the operation problems of Bangkok Sports Center are at moderate level. The differentiate of sex and age affect the operating condition and problem of Bangkok Sports Center under Bangkok Culture, Sports and Tourism Department. The differences are statistically significant at the level of 0.05. The sports development process guidelines for Bangkok Sports Center under Bangkok Culture, Sports and Tourism Department were divided into 5 dimensions, which included the followings: First, materialization of service; Second, reliability; Third, responding to service users; Fourth, confidence in service providers; Fifth, understanding the customers; Sixth, an overview of improving sport operating conditions and problems of Bangkok Sports Center.

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How to Cite
CHUPTHAISONG, J. (2021). Development Process of Sports Administration in Sports Center, Bangkok. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 5(1), 195–212. Retrieved from
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