The Moment when an Act of Abortion became Rights.

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            From The Decisions of the Constitutional Court No. 4/2020 dated February 19, 2020, the Constitutional Court decision as follows, 1) The Constitutional Court ruled that Section 301 of the Criminal Code is contrary to or inconsistent with Section 28 of the Constitution, but is not contrary to or inconsistent with Section 27 of the Constitution, Three hundred and sixty days from the date of the decision of the court. 2) The Constitutional Court ruled that Section 305 of the Criminal Code is not contrary to or inconsistent with Section 27, 28 and Section 77 of the Constitution And Issue 3) It is appropriate for the relevant authorities to revise the Criminal Code and related law on abortion to reflect the current circumstances. And should extend the period of public hearing for public participation because this provision affects all women and should be prepared for the results of amendments to the Code Section 301 and 305 of the Criminal Code on the issue of rights to Medical treatment

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How to Cite
PHOTISARACH, S. (2021). The Moment when an Act of Abortion became Rights. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 5(1), 45–63. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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