The Talent for Human Resource Management in Recruitment, Development and Maintenance Dimensions of Private and Public Enterprise Organizations

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วิจิตรา ยาวิเลิง
Jeerapa Mingchua
Tanastha Rojanatrakul


Human resource management with talent in all four dimensions: the first dimension, is planning approach, The second dimension is recruitment, Third dimension is development and the fourth dimension is the maintenance of talented human resources. The recommendations for human resource management with talent in the recruitment, development and maintenance dimensions of private and public enterprise organizations Should be focusing on 5 issues are; the first issue: the origin and importance of the problem arising from the concept emerged strategies that were used to reduce employee development and training. The second issue: The human resource management concept has four aspects: 1) the importance of personnel in the organization, 2) the right to choose an agency, 3) personnel care, and 4) the mentoring system. The third issue: human resource recruitment has three aspects: 1) placement recruitment, 2) recruitment, and 3) audit. The four issue: There are two aspects of human resource development with talent: 1) a training model and 2) trainees. The fifth issue: Human resource maintenance : 1) attracting and motivating personnel and 2) standard salary systems in the wage management system of organizations.

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ยาวิเลิง ว., Mingchua, J., & Rojanatrakul, T. (2021). The Talent for Human Resource Management in Recruitment, Development and Maintenance Dimensions of Private and Public Enterprise Organizations. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 5(2), 61–81. Retrieved from
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