Chiang Sean Pagoda : Three-dimensional simulation of Archaeological sites in Wieng Chiangsean Sub-district Chiangsean District Chiangrai Province

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pattareepan pantu
Petsawas Khankam


Article on Chiang Sean Pagoda : Three-dimensional simulation of Archaeological sites in Wieng Chiangsean Sub-district Chiangsean District Chiangrai Province as part of a research project on Creating “models assumed” of Art and Culture by Innovation Technology in Wieng Chiangsean Sub-district Chiangsean District Chiangrai Province. Aims to Create a three-dimensional model of an ancient site in Wiang Chiang Saen District. Chiang Saen District Chiang Rai By creating a three-dimensional model for all 5 places: Mahathat temple, Athi Ton Kaew temple, Mung Muang temple, Maha Pho Temple and Chetawan temple. With the criteria for selecting sources from experts and to study the data from academic documents, research, excavation reports and interviews. Including linking with other pagodas in the Chiang Saen area of similar construction period in order to complement and assumed some of the missing elements of the pagoda to give a more complete picture and then take the picture to write a line drawing and developed into a three-dimensional model.

The research results show that the pagodas that appeared in Chiang Saen had various shapes. It consists of a bell-shaped chedi in Lanna style. Castle-shaped pagoda The pagoda of Pumkhao Bhon and Mondop. After obtaining the line art, it is then made into a 3D image through MAYA, a 3D molding program that can be made into a 360 degree image. Each pagoda has a picture both in front and above in order to see the shape in every dimension. These data can easily be further developed in other areas, such as modeling modeling. To exhibit or to be assembled in online databases

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How to Cite
pantu, pattareepan, & Khankam, P. (2021). Chiang Sean Pagoda : Three-dimensional simulation of Archaeological sites in Wieng Chiangsean Sub-district Chiangsean District Chiangrai Province. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 5(2), 139–160. Retrieved from
Research Aticle


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