The Contemporary Military and Politics Relation Management in the Context of Thailand

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ยุทธศาสตร์ หน่อแก้ว


This academic article objective is to study the management of military relations under the concept of military reform in a view of the deprivation of human rights through conscription, and to study the political relationship between the government and the armed forces in the transitional period of power that affects the context of contemporary Thai politics. Which should adhere to the principle of building an army in a democratic way, both in the form of political administration and the management of the army; in principle, the military is essentially under the jurisdiction of the civilian government. Due to the modern political management in the present era, if the military can dominates and leads an elected government of the people. It will affect the influence of the military that can dominate the political structure. Moreover, they can negotiate and make benefits for themselves and their friends through the patronage system.

Therefore, there should be a reform of the military in the structural system. The authors analyzed and summarized into 4 approaches as follows:

            1) The development of professional military systems and the reorganization of the entire reserve system with the abolition of the conscription system.

            2) The systematic political reform on the empowerment of the civilian government under the leadership-follower relationship through concrete constitutional provisions.

            3) To promote the constitutionalism in military educational institutions at all levels In order to instill democratic political development values for young soldiers who will become leaders or operators of the army in the future.

            4) The Political openness in the form of modern democracy by giving people the opportunity to actively participate in politics While the government and military must endure the prolonged and non-violent protests to suppress people. This is allowing everything to follow in accordance with the democratic regime. This is the most evident form of managing the new relationship between the military, government and people. That can be seen everywhere in Western countries where have long developed democratic political developments in both Europe and America.

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How to Cite
หน่อแก้ว ย. (2021). The Contemporary Military and Politics Relation Management in the Context of Thailand. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 6(1), 107–127. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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