The role and importance of leadership for the 21st century

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Phanyos Jenhatkhun


            This article aims to study leadership for the century 21 that is a form of leadership in the new era that corresponds to the changes in the 21st century by the “leader” who is an important person in the organization. It has a role to play under rapidly changing economic and social conditions. which “Leadership” is necessary and extremely important to organizations Because technology is constantly changing. thus causing changes to the economy and society. Today's leaders need to adjust and change the management to keep up with the modern and modern in order to create efficiency and effectiveness for the organization.

            The knowledge / findings from this article to guide new leadership formation have been synthesized from Basic Leadership Theory In order to have characteristics consistent with the globalization era And the world in the 21st century with key elements Which consisted of 1) aspects of self-leadership 2) team leadership 3) organization leadership

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How to Cite
Jenhatkhun, P. (2021). The role and importance of leadership for the 21st century. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 6(1), 129–141. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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