Legal Problems in Relation to Enforced Disappearance

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ปิติวรรณ ตันติชัยนุสรณ์
สัญญพงศ์ ลิ่มประเสริฐ


The main objective of this independent study is to study and research upon the thought and theory regarding “force disappearance”, both domestically and internationally. In order to come up with the proposal on the solution of the potential issue, the independent study will be including an in-depth analytical and comparative study on the subject.

The study shows that the law on “force disappearance” was allocated in both Criminal Law Code and Criminal Procedure Code. However, the law, itself, is still not efficiently enforced and can be easily abused. Presumably, because this law can only be enforced by the official, and the alleged offenders are usually the official.

Therefore, in this independent study I aim to elevate the law on force disappearance to the international standard by proposing for the law itself to be amended and clarified.

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How to Cite
ตันติชัยนุสรณ์ ป., & ลิ่มประเสริฐ ส. (2022). Legal Problems in Relation to Enforced Disappearance. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 6(2), 207–224. Retrieved from
Research Aticle


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