Exemption Impunity and Mitigation from Criminal Punishment for Registered Life Partnerships

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Diloktam Uengpho


The objective of this article is to study the background, concepts, theories, principles and rationale related to the statute of exemption, impunity, mitigation from the criminal punishment or any other criminal benefits for persons registered as life partners. The Registered Life Partnerships Act, B.E. .... do not specify or mention criminal privileges under the Criminal Code whether it is a matter exemption, impunity, mitigation or any other benefits. However, in the Criminal Code, there are several provisions that address criminal benefits or protections in connection with being a husband and wife or spouse. Therefore, the result of this study will lead to amend the law in order to achieve equality and impartiality in the protection and benefits of criminal law between persons registered as partnerships and persons registered as spouses, particularly the provisions in the Criminal Code about exemption impunity and mitigation from criminal punishment which is an important criminal right of any person.

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How to Cite
Uengpho, D. (2022). Exemption Impunity and Mitigation from Criminal Punishment for Registered Life Partnerships. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 6(2), 225–241. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/lawcrru/article/view/253499
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