Model of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) Collaborative Waste Management in Chiang Ban Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Chiang Kham District, Phayao Province

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Wachirawit Worachitsanuphong
สิมินตราพร สุรินทร์


This research aims to study the problem of waste in the area. Study the approach and development of the waste management system at the source level with using refuse derived fuel (RDF) process by the community participating in the Chiang Ban Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Chiang Kham District, Phayao Province.

            This research is quantitative and qualitative. The questionnaire was used with a sample group consisting of 330 representatives of households in the community in the Chiang Ban Subdistrict Administrative Organization using a quota. The number of related government and private organizations was 30 persons and statistical analysis was done by a percentage. and the synthesis of lessons learned in the study.

            The results of a study on the problem of waste management of the people in the area is the amount of garbage in the form of plastic bags contaminated with food waste. plastic bags used for Including plastics of all kinds, most face problems with how to collect household waste and do not know how to properly separate solid waste. Households are facing problems with garbage dump sites. Households do not know how to properly collect solid waste.

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How to Cite
warachitsanuphong, wachirawit, & สุรินทร์ ส. . (2022). Model of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) Collaborative Waste Management in Chiang Ban Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Chiang Kham District, Phayao Province. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 6(2), 265–284. Retrieved from
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