Chiang sean City, Suwankhomkham City : The Area and Ancient Sites Connection

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Pattareepan Pautu
Petsawas Khankam


This research aims to compare the artistic styles of ancient sites and to study the linkages of the Chiang Saen and Suwankhom Kham areas, including creating online information materials to disseminate bilingual information (Thai-Laos), 3D models of ancient sites located 8 in Chiang Saen and 4 in Suwankhom Kham, with criteria for selecting sources from the assessment and expert selection. Moreover, studying information from academic documents, research, excavation reports, and interviews, including links to pagodas in Chiang Saen and Suwankhom Kham towns, and then comparing the artistic data on the condition of the area to get a connection between the two areas. The study results can explain the comparison of artistic styles of ancient sites. That leads to the area's connection around Chiang Saen and Suwankhom Kham. From the map analysis, the artistic style of the ancient sites on both sides of the Mekong River has been consistent since the early days of the establishment of Chiang Saen. The relationship between these two cities is still very close. Therefore, this interaction between the peoples on both sides of the Mekong River has been influencing each other for a long time. The information above can be used to produce information materials in the WIX program in two languages, namely Thai and Lao. The database consists of 4 parts: 1) the history of all ancient sites studied, 2) 360-degree photographs, 3) maps, and 4) satellite coordinates. To disseminate more information to the public

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How to Cite
pantu, pattareepan, & Khankam, P. (2023). Chiang sean City, Suwankhomkham City : The Area and Ancient Sites Connection. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 7(2), 169–192. Retrieved from
Research Aticle


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