Problems in Promoting English Language Learning Skills with the Mission of Student Development (Student Affairs) Undergraduate Degree of Higher Education Institutions in Thai Law

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Pongsapon Mahawat
Thanangkun Khamsri
Chamada Naranwarakul


            Student development work (Student Affairs) in Thai higher education is considered the main mission that lies with the mission of education management or the academic work mission of higher education institutions. At present, there is no law directly in the case of student development work (student affairs) combined with education is the main mission of the state that must be provided in the law. Moreover, providing education is considered the main mission of the state that must be provided. In public law, it can be considered a part of public service. In addition, learners need to have duties according to the provisions of the law in receiving education in order to achieve results as provided by the law.

Furthermore, English is essential and is also one of the key elements of communication for the modern social world in the 21st century. Therefore, the authors want to know the relevant legal provisions in order to consider the correct and systematic student development work (student affairs) and study and analyze the problems in the development of foreign language skills through student development work (student affairs). This is to achieve the highest objectives of philosophy, concepts, and theories of public law and philosophy, concepts, and theories of education.

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How to Cite
มหาวัจน์ พ., Khamsri, T., & นรัญวรากุล ช. (2024). Problems in Promoting English Language Learning Skills with the Mission of Student Development (Student Affairs) Undergraduate Degree of Higher Education Institutions in Thai Law . CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 8(1), 1–22. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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