Policy Recommendations for narcotics and drug Enforcement in Chiangrai

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Pitak Sasisuwan


Chiang Rai province is one of the major drug source areas in Thailand. Due to its proximity to the borders of Myanmar and Laos, the province is a high-risk area for drug trafficking and abuse. Thai government has long faced the challenge of drug control in Chiang Rai, which is a complex and urgent problem. However, Drug related issues were varied and dependent on the area. Therefore, the policy guidelines that determine the methods of law enforcement operations in each area of ​​the country are different.  As for the current drug prevention and suppression policy, it is still a national policy that looks at the overall problem situation. However, there is still a lack of flexibility and authority for law enforcement officials. and adjust the style of performing duties to be in line with the spatial context as appropriate. This study used a qualitative area approach to analyze the drug problem in Chiang Rai from the perspectives of law enforcement officials. The researchers conducted focus group discussions and interviews with officials from various agencies involved in drug prevention and control. The findings of the study revealed that the following policy recommendations are essential for effective drug prevention and control in Chiang Rai 1) Do not exclude offenders from society. Instead, focus on rehabilitation and reintegration. 2) Strengthen the capacity of law enforcement officials and support resources. 3) Establish a rapid, continuous, and integrated intelligence network. 4) Implement effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for policymakers at the provincial and national levels. The recommendations can be used to adjust strategies and regulations for drug prevention and control to better fit the local context of Chiang Rai.

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How to Cite
Sasisuwan, P. (2024). Policy Recommendations for narcotics and drug Enforcement in Chiangrai. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 8(1), 225–246. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/lawcrru/article/view/269332
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