The Crucial Roles of Teaching Constitutional Law in Higher Education Institutions in Developing Thailand’s Democracy

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Arrisa Rujiravanichavong
Teerapong Nuchaikaew


The teaching of constitutional law in higher education institutions is an important learning process that helps law students learn about administrative procedures, the rights and freedoms of citizens. This is because the Constitution is a body of basic laws and a main legal framework that establishes the basic structure of the state, the rights and freedoms of the individuals in each nation. Students’ understanding and knowledge of the Constitution is of utmost importance in promoting an in-depth comprehension of the state’s jurisprudence and governance. Thus, students are required to study the origins of basic principles of constitutional law, and the history of the development and changes of the Constitution, and establish judicial order in the state’s government in accordance with the Rule of Law, which determines rules and regulations for living in society.

Designing the teaching of constitutional law or the constitution can be done in diverse patterns, for instance, explaining legal principles and theory, creating realistic legal situations, and studying social and legal impacts related to the Constitution. In addition, adapting legal principles to various situations that arise in everyday life, students can apply them in real life and future work.

The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560 (2017), we will find that there are important legal provisions that every individual, as a citizen of the country, is required to know to use them to protect their own rights and duties. Therefore, if teaching constitutional law to students of each program are done by higher education institutions, it will deliver and promote the understanding of important contents and principles of the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the Kingdom of Thailand and stipulated to be the basic laws to protect individual rights which will lead to the development of democracy in Thailand correctly and sustainably."  

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How to Cite
Rujiravanichvong, A., & Nuchaikaew, T. (2024). The Crucial Roles of Teaching Constitutional Law in Higher Education Institutions in Developing Thailand’s Democracy. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 8(1), 67–88. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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