Capacity and Empowerment for income Gap Reduction of Laingao subdistrict Community Enterprise Pomelo Exports, Wiankaen district, Chiang Rai

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Suraphi Phothisarat
Pattareepan Pantu
Nattida Jumpa
Yuthasin Chumanee
Sunida Tiwong


The objective of this research is to 1. enhance the spatial distribution capabilities of pomelo cultivation for the community enterprise group of pomelo exporters from Laingao Subdistrict, Wiang Kaen District, Chiang Rai Province. 2. Study legal measures and develop agreements to mitigate trade disparities for the community enterprise group of pomelo exporters from Laingao Subdistrict. 3. Investigate new business models and risk management strategies aimed at reducing income disparities for the community enterprise group of pomelo exporters from Laingao Subdistrict. And 4. develop an online database for the community enterprise group of pomelo exporters from Laingao Subdistrict, Wiang Kaen District, Chiang Rai Province, with the purpose of resolving income disparity issues among group members, This research employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating qualitative research with participatory action research. It includes data analysis from document reviews, group discussions, in-depth interviews, and participatory action research, as well as spatial research techniques that use Geographic Information System tools, and delineate pomelo cultivation areas and boundaries on satellite maps.

As a result of this research, an agreement has been drafted among members, outlining the conditions for pomelo cultivation within the enterprise group. Additionally, a map of pomelo cultivation areas in Laingao Subdistrict has been created to better comprehend the potential of cultivating standard in compliance with the agreement. Furthermore, standards for each pomelo species to be exported under the enterprise group's name have been established. New trading formats have been introduced, including direct sales channels to buyers through online platforms. Moreover, product processing, Pomelo Syrup, has been initiated particularly for pomelos that do not meet requirements or exceed market demand. Basic information about the enterprise group, as well as members of the group, has been produced in an online manner utilizing the Wix app.

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How to Cite
Phothisarat, S., Pantu, P., Jumpa, N., Chumanee, Y., & Tiwong, S. (2024). Capacity and Empowerment for income Gap Reduction of Laingao subdistrict Community Enterprise Pomelo Exports, Wiankaen district, Chiang Rai . CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 8(1), 266–286. Retrieved from
Research Aticle


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