Problems of Religious Equality in Employment Contracts and Occupation
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Freedom of religion is inviolable and a right of every human being that must be guaranteed and protected. Freedom of religion, no one can exercise it over others. Everyone has equal rights and duties. The state must act to protect the interests of society as a whole. together with the International Labor Organization or The International Labor Organization (ILO) has adopted the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of religion in employment and occupation. Thailand has an obligation to implement laws and internal practices in accordance with the content of International Labor Organization Convention No. 111 on Discrimination in Employment and Occupations, 1958. And although this right under the Thai Constitution guarantees the exercise of power by all state organizations that any action must take into account the principle of religious equality, it appears that at present the principles of religious equality and non-discrimination are also the principles are still not guaranteed and there is no clarity in the provisions of Thai labor law.
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Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111).