The Best Practices for Tourism Community Solid Waste Management A case of Local Government Organization in the Upper Northern Region.
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This research aims to study the best practices of waste management of Subdistrict Municipalities to support community-based tourism in the upper northern region. On the situations of waste management and extract lessons from waste management of local government organizations at various levels. Then, use the results of the study to extract lessons to develop a model and mechanism to drive waste management according to the size and context of local government organizations with participation of all sectors. The sample groups used to extract lessons include local government organizations at the Subdistrict Administrative Organization Subdistrict municipal level and municipality level, totaling 16 areas in the upper northern region for the sample group in testing the model there were 3 levels of areas namely by the sub-district administrative organization level, municipality level and Local government level. In carrying out the project, there are research methods starting with selecting target areas according to the defined context. However, study analyze, and synthesize data to develop models and mechanisms to drive waste management. Then, it will be tested and applied in the target area from the waste management situation in the target area for successful waste management and unsuccessful that are tourist attractions in the community. Therefore, the policy recommendations are the Subdistrict Administrative Organization and Municipality propose to proceed regulations and requirements for waste management is establishing a working group structure to prepare a constitution of Waste management in the community and separation to create good practices in waste management to promote tourism and must rely on the role of participation between the local administrative organization and the community of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization group in effectively managing waste in tourist attractions/learning centers of the community.
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