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Sihan Ding
Haijun Lu


With China's economic development, residents' employment and income have gradually shown a steady growth trend. Residents' consumption choices have become more and more diverse, which is also very beneficial to stabilizing China's consumption growth. As the pace of China's economic development accelerates, domestic consumers' consumption concepts have undergone tremendous changes. In the consumer's consumption process, impulse purchasing is a common but special consumption method in the human shopping process. As consumers' consumption concepts and behaviors change, they are no longer restricted by purchase plans and financial resources, and they can relax and fully enjoy shopping. More and more consumers will make purchase decisions on the spot after comparing the marketing methods and efforts of various merchants, and the proportion of impulse purchases has greatly increased. At present, the study of impulsive purchasing behavior has become an important part of the research on consumer behavior issues in China and has attracted widespread attention from the academic community. Thus, this article explores the influencing factors and generation process of consumers' online impulse purchasing intention under marketing stimulation and proposes that marketing incentives affect consumers' impulse purchasing intentions by affecting their two emotions: perception and pleasure. The study adopted a questionnaire survey method for data collection. After testing the data, some hypotheses were supported. Therefore, it shows that marketing incentives has an impact on consumers’ online purchase intention. The research conclusions can help e-commerce companies further understand consumers' impulsive purchasing behavior, make full use of the impact of marketing incentives, and formulate more flexible and effective promotion strategies.

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English Articles


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