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In the context of the VUCA era, the career variability of the new generation of employees poses challenges to enterprises, and the talent strategy of enterprises is the core driving force for the sustainable development of enterprises. In addition, corporate executives often take their subjective preferences into account when making decisions, and the strategic decision-making errors caused by the subjective preferences of corporate executives will lead to regrets. There is a positive correlation between the regrets of senior executives and their decision-making errors. Based on career theory, prospect theory, regret theory, and strategic choice theory, this paper interviewed a total of 18 executives from 5 manufacturing companies in China and identified the theoretical story of this paper in the continuous iteration of "data → relationship → frame". The research shows that the career variability of the new generation of employees has an impact on the talent strategy of enterprises. The career variability of the new generation of employees affects the talent strategy of enterprises through the subjective preference of executives, the career variability of the new generation of employees affects the talent strategy of enterprises through the strategic regret of executives.And the subjective preference of executives and the strategic regret of enterprises affect each other to open the mechanism black box and further enrich the cross-layer research.
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