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This study aims to explore the influencing factors of Knowledge Sharing Behavior in knowledge-intensive enterprises (e.g., shipping enterprises) and the relationship between the factors that lead to the occurrence of Knowledge Sharing Behavior, and to investigate whether Knowledge Sharing Motivation and Individual/Collectivist Driving Force influences Knowledge Sharing Intention, and consequently, the Knowledge Sharing Behavior of employees. Based on expected value theory, social exchange theory and technology acceptance model theory, this paper puts forward theoretical hypotheses on the basis of summarizing relevant literature, designs questionnaires using mature scales, applies the questionnaire survey method, takes the employees of TP Shipping Company, a representative enterprise in the shipping industry, as the object of the study, distributes the questionnaires to 1,000 people, and recovers 452 valid questionnaires, applies the statistical analysis software SPSSS21.2.1 to analyze the results. The recovered valid data were analyzed and hypotheses were tested using SPSSS21.0 and AMOS24.0 software. The results of data analysis showed that: the dimensions of Knowledge Sharing Motivation have a significant positive effect on Knowledge Sharing Behavior, Knowledge Sharing Intention partially mediates both Knowledge Sharing Motivation and Knowledge Sharing Behavior; and Individual/Collectivistic Tendencies have a significant positive moderating effect on Knowledge Sharing Motivation and Employee Knowledge Sharing Behavior.
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