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Yihong Sun


This article aims to examine the influencing factors of knowledge-sharing behavior in shipping enterprises, a knowledge-intensive enterprise, and the relationship between factors that lead to the occurrence of knowledge-sharing behavior. To clarify the influence of knowledge-sharing motivation and knowledge-sharing behavior, the mediating effect of knowledge-sharing intention between the two. Based on the technology acceptance model theory, this article proposes theoretical hypotheses such as knowledge-sharing motivation having a positive impact on knowledge-sharing behavior, and employee knowledge-sharing intention mediating the impact of knowledge-sharing motivation on knowledge-sharing behavior. It uses a mature scale design The survey method was adopted, and the employees of TP Shipping Company, a representative enterprise in the shipping industry, were used as the research object. Questionnaires were distributed to 1,000 employees. A total of 452 valid questionnaires were recovered. The statistical analysis software SPSSS21.0 was used to collect the questionnaires. Conduct descriptive statistical analysis, reliability and validity analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, etc. on the valid data. The results show that each dimension of knowledge-sharing motivation has a significant positive impact on knowledge-sharing behavior, and knowledge-sharing intention plays a partial mediating role between knowledge-sharing motivation and knowledge-sharing behavior. Finally, several main suggestions are put forward for the management practice of enterprises: first, strengthen the incentive mechanism for enterprise employees' knowledge-sharing behavior; second, strengthen employees' healthy competition mechanism and collective competition mechanism to stimulate employees' knowledge-sharing behavior; third, pay attention to mining and effective utilization The positive relationship and transmission effect between knowledge-sharing intention and employee knowledge-sharing behavior.

Article Details

English Articles
Author Biography

Yihong Sun, Panyapiwat Institute of Management



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