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Sun Qianyue
Supaporn Srihamee
Jittawisut Wimuttipanya


                The purposes of this research were 1) to improve achievement of Chinese reading course using meaningful verbal learning and 2) to compare students’ achievement of Chinese reading course between before and after the implementation base on meaningful verbal learning. The sample group were 30 fifth-grade primary school students with 1 class from Yantai Oriental Foreign Language Experimental School, Shandong City, China, those who obtained through the cluster random sampling. The research instruments involved 1) lesson plans according to the meaningful verbal learning and 2) Chinese reading test. The data was statistically analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and t-test for dependent samples.

The results were found that:

1) The improvement achievement of Chinese reading course using meaningful verbal learning, the researcher developed 3 lesson plans base on meaningful verbal learning by studied the documents and research related from many researchers then synthesized into 5 steps: 1) Attention 2) Transformation3) Evaluation 4) Application and 5) Summary. After students have learned according to the lesson plans: 1) Short story, 2) Narrative, and 3) Ancient poetry using meaningful verbal learning. The result showed that, students' achievement of Chinese reading course, the average score after learning was 21.90 which was higher than the average score before learning was 15.17.

2) The comparison of students' achievement of Chinese reading score before and after the implementation using meaningful verbal learning of primary school students. The results showed overall that, students' achievement of Chinese reading course after learning higher than before learning statistically significant at the level .01.

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