The Development and Validation of Innovative Work Behavior Scale for University Lecturers in Thailand

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Narumol Petchthip
Thanayot Sumalrot
Samattaphong Khajohnmanee


The purposes of this study were to (1) develop and validate the innovative work behavior scale for Thai university lecturers and (2) examine the factor structure of the innovative work behavior scale for the Thai university lecturers. The scale was constructed based on the theory of Scott & Bruce (1994), Kanter (1998), Kleysen & Street (2001), Janssen (2000), De Jong (2007), and De Jong & Den Hartog (2010). Psychometric tests were conducted to assure the reliability and validity properties which included content validity, construct validity, criterion-related validity, item-total correlation, and reliability. Exploratory factor analysis was employed to extract the factors. The data was collected from 300 Thai university lecturers in Thailand using the online questionnaire method. The findings revealed that the 19 items of the innovative work behavior scale for the Thai university lecturers consisted of 3 factors: ‘intellectual humility, ‘practical application’, and ‘change agent’. These 3 factors accounted for 56.01% of the total variance and there was a significant relationship with mindset score. The measure reflects the satisfactory psychometric quality. The scale had an overall reliability coefficient of .925. This innovative work behavior scale for Thai university lecturers is suggested for further study.

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How to Cite
Petchthip, N., Sumalrot, T., & Khajohnmanee, S. (2022). The Development and Validation of Innovative Work Behavior Scale for University Lecturers in Thailand. Manutsat Paritat: Journal of Humanities, 44(1), 108–128.
Research Articles


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