Multifaceted Meanings of THANG CHAKRA Contemporary Poetry Literary Masterpiece by Siwakarn Patoommasoot

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Naprapaporn Rootjanawet


This study focused on the multifaceted meanings in Thang Chakra, a contemporary poetry literary masterpiece written by Siwagarn Patoommasoot. Through the lens of in-text implication, beyond-implication, and the concept of literary criticism, the findings revealed three multifaceted meanings related to life, society, and the supernatural. These meanings were reflected through the use of figurative, conceit, and simile highlighting the author’s tones and purposes implied in this masterpiece text.

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How to Cite
Rootjanawet, N. (2023). Multifaceted Meanings of THANG CHAKRA Contemporary Poetry Literary Masterpiece by Siwakarn Patoommasoot. Manutsat Paritat: Journal of Humanities, 45(2), 1–16.
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