Article Evaluation Policy

Rangsit Music Journal operates as a distinguished refereed journal, subjecting all submitted articles to rigorous pre-publication evaluation. Each article undergoes a meticulous quality assessment process facilitated by three proficient reviewers possessing substantial knowledge and expertise directly or tangentially linked to the specific discipline addressed in the article. To ensure transparency and impartiality, the following guidelines are meticulously upheld:

  • Reviewer Selection and Expertise: Three reviewers, meticulously chosen, evaluate each article's quality, validity, and scholarly merit. These reviewers possess a profound understanding of the subject matter, ensuring a comprehensive and insightful evaluation.
  • Author and Reviewer Anonymity: During the evaluation process, complete anonymity is upheld to ensure objectivity. Authors' identities are concealed from the reviewers, thus fostering a double-blind review system. Conversely, the reviewers are kept unaware of the authors' identities.
  • Disclosure of Authors: Reviewers are duly informed of the authorship of the article under evaluation. This transparency empowers reviewers to engage with the content while maintaining the confidentiality of their identities.
  • Maintaining Double-Blind Review: The implementation of a double-blind review system ensures that neither the authors nor the reviewers possess knowledge of each other's identities. This approach guarantees an unbiased evaluation solely based on the merit of the article.

Rangsit Music Journal's unwavering commitment to this meticulous article evaluation policy upholds the principles of integrity, fairness, and scholarly excellence. This approach fosters a robust scholarly discourse and elevates the standard of research published within the journal.