Citation Guide

The Rangsit Music Journal mandates the utilization of specific formats for references and bibliographies as outlined below. Each article must incorporate footnotes to indicate the sources of information within the content, alongside a comprehensive bibliography at the end. It is imperative that all sources, irrespective of their original language, are either utilized in English or translated into English for consistency throughout both footnotes and the bibliography. The original language of the source should be denoted at the end of each citation, such as (in Thai), (in Italian), (in Chinese), (in Japanese), or others.

Bibliography Formatting Guidelines:

  • Authors’ names should be listed with the last name first, followed by the full name. Abbreviations are not permitted.
  • For subsequent authors, include both the first and last name.
  • Arrange the bibliography alphabetically based on the first author’s last name.
  • Ensure that the year of publication is represented in the Christian era.

Footnotes and Bibliography Style:

  • Utilize appropriate punctuation marks such as periods (.), commas (,), quotation marks (“...”), and parentheses ().
  • Maintain consistency in capitalization, distinguishing between lowercase and uppercase letters, and utilizing different font styles as necessary.

Additional Notes:

For sources published for the first time, the edition of publication need not be included in the citation.

1. Books (1-3 authors)


1 Wiboon Trakulhun, Diatonic Tonal Harmony (Pathumthani: Anantanak, 2021), 24. (in Thai)

2 Joseph N. Straus, Introduction to Post-Tonal Theory, 3rded. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2005), 65.

3 Jane P. Clendinning and Elizabeth W. Marvin, The Musician Guide to Theory and Analysis, 4thed. (New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2020), 246.

4 Stefan Kostka, Dorothy Payne, and Byron Almén, Tonal Harmony with an Introduction to Post-Tonal Music, 8thed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2018), 245-246.


Clendinning, Jane P., and Elizabeth W. Marvin. The Musician Guide to Theory and Analysis. 4thed. New York: W.W. Norton &                         Company, 2020.

Kostka, Stefan, Dorothy Payne, and Byron Almén. Tonal Harmony with an Introduction to Post-Tonal Music. 8thed. New York:                         McGraw-Hill, 2018.

Straus, Joseph N. Introduction to Post-Tonal Theory. 3rded. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2005.

Trakulhun, Wiboon. Diatonic Tonal Harmony. Pathumthani: Anantanak, 2021. (in Thai)

2. Chapters in a Book

In footnotes, specify only the pages referred to, while in the bibliography, indicate the pages of that specific chapter.


1 Kenneth Gloag, “Russian Rites: Petrushka, The Rite of Spring and Les Noces,” in The Cambridge Companion to Stravinsky, ed. Jonathan Cross (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), 94.

2 Richard Floyd, “Richard Floyd: Austin Symphonic Band,” in Rehearsing the Band Volume 3, ed. Craig Kirchhoff (Galesville, MD: Meredith Music Publications, 2017), 79-80.


Floyd, Richard. “Richard Floyd: Austin Symphonic Band.” In Rehearsing the Band Volume 3, edited by Craig Kirchhoff, 70-81.                       Galesville, MD: Meredith Music Publications, 2017.

Gloag, Kenneth. “Russian Rites: Petrushka, The Rite of Spring and Les Noces.” In The Cambridge Companion to Stravinsky, edited by             Jonathan Cross, 79-97. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

3. Journal Articles

In footnotes, indicate only the page referred to. In the bibliography section, specify the code and/or page range of the article). Include the website that directly accesses the resource for online versions.


1 Wiboon Trakuklhun, “Ramayana for Piano,” Rangsit Music Journal 17, 1 (2022): 124. (in Thai)

2 Boonrut Sirirattanapan, “Solar Eclipse II: Double Concerto for Flutes, Guitar, and Strings,” Rangsit Music Journal 19, 1 (2024): 14-15, (in Thai)


Sirirattanapan, Boonrut. “Solar Eclipse II: Double Concerto for Flutes, Guitar, and Strings.” Rangsit Music Journal 19, 1 (2024):                      R0508  (17 Pages). (in Thai)

Trakuklhun, Wiboon. “Ramayana for Piano.” Rangsit Music Journal 17, 1 (2022): 121-136. (in Thai)

4. Thesis and Dissertation

When referencing theses and dissertations, specify the website that directly accesses the resource for the online version. Additionally, indicate the abbreviation of the degree name, such as PhD diss., DA diss., DMA diss., DMus diss., MA thesis, MMus thesis, or others. If the specific degree name is unknown, specify the degree level as Doctoral diss. or Master’s thesis.


1 Michael Oravitz, “Metric Patterning and It's Effects on Phrasing and Form in Selected Debussy Préludes” (PhD diss., Indiana University, 2005), 245-246.

2 Wiboon Trakuklhun, “Faithful to My Land” (DA diss., Ball State University, 2011), 24,


Oravitz, Michael. “Metric Patterning and It's Effects on Phrasing and Form in Selected Debussy Préludes.” PhD diss., Indiana                        University, 2005.

Trakuklhun, Wiboon. “Faithful to My Land.” DA diss., Ball State University, 2011.                            theses/faithful-my-land/docview/869748769/se-2.

5. Electronic Media or Website

When referencing electronic media or websites, be sure to specify the website that directly accesses the resource. Additionally, include the date of access to provide readers with up-to-date information.


1 ResearchGate, “Edvard Munch, The Scream,” accessed November 3, 2023,

2 Lapham’s Quarterly, “The Riot of Spring,” accessed November 9, 2023,


Lapham’s Quarterly. “The Riot of Spring.” Accessed November 9, 2023.                                                                                                  

ResearchGate. “Edvard Munch, The Scream.” Accessed November 3, 2023.            National-Gallery-Oslo-Edvard-Munch- From_fig1_363057532.

6. Music Scores


1 Johann Sebastian Bach, The Art of Fugue and A Musical Offering, ed. Alfred Dörffel and Wolfgang Graeser (New York: Dover, 1992), 124.


Bach, Johann Sebastian. The Art of Fugue and A Musical Offering. Edited by Alfred Dörffel and Wolfgang Graeser. New York:                     Dover, 1992.

7. Interview

Conducted by the Author or Researcher


1 Parichat Euprasert (Lecturer, Voice Department, RSUMusic), interview by Khaekhai Tanasansopin, February 14, 2024. (in Thai)


Euprasert, Parichat. (Lecturer, Voice Department, RSUMusic). Interview by Khaekhai Tanasansopin. February 14, 2024. (in Thai)

8. Abbreviated References (In-Text Citations Only)

When citing the same source more than once in footnotes within an article, use the following format:

For the first citation, write the full footnote as in the previous example. For subsequent citations, use an abbreviated form, providing only the author's first and last name, followed by the page number. Example:


1 Wiboon Trakulhun, 24. (in Thai)

2 Joseph N. Straus, 65.

If citing multiple works by the same author, use the abbreviated citation format based on the type of source as described above. However, only include the author's first and last name, the title of the work, and the page number. For example:


1 Wiboon Trakulhun, Diatonic Tonal Harmony, 24. (in Thai)

2 Wiboon Trakulhun, “Ramayana for Piano,” 124. (in Thai)

9. Bibliography with Multiple Works by the Same Author

For a bibliography that includes multiple works by the same author, always provide the full name of the

author without using symbols or marks like ------ .


Trakulhun, Wiboon. Diatonic Tonal Harmony. Pathumthani: Anantanak, 2021. (in Thai) Trakulhun, Wiboon. “Ramayana for Piano.”               Rangsit Music Journal 17, 1 (2022): 121-136. (in Thai)

Note: If any source has 4 or more authors, include only the first author followed by “and others,” such as:

            For footnotes: Wiboon Trakulhun, and others,

            For bibliography: Trakulhun, Wiboon, and others.

Citation Guide (Click here)

If the specified types of information sources are unavailable, please refer to the reference lists and bibliographies according to the format outlined in the Chicago Manual of Style (Click). The journal editors will consider appropriateness accordingly.