The Role of E-Flat Clarinet by Thai Composers


  • ธนพร พิมพ์เพ็ชร Conservatory of Music, Rangsit University


E-Flat Clarinet, Thai Composers, Wind Symphonic Band


This thesis aims the study the intention of using E-Flat clarinet in the composition and the tendency of its role in the works of Thai composers. The researcher has decided to collect information via composer interview, and the study and analysis of the chosen compositions for the orchestra and wind symphonic band only. The study shows that the roles of E-Flat clarinet in the composition of Thai composers are often used with the purposes as follows: firstly, to support the melody in order the strengthen and clarify each melodic line of the instruments in the woodwind section; secondly, to create a variety of tone color when combined with other instruments; and lastly, to take the role as the soloist of the band in some parts of the compositions in order to show the particular characteristics of its sounds. Moreover, Thai composers tend to increase the use of E-Flat clarinet steadily in the future.


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4. Brymer, Jack. Yehudi Menuhin Music Guides Clarinet. London: Kahn&Averill, 1990.

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How to Cite

พิมพ์เพ็ชร ธนพร. 2018. “The Role of E-Flat Clarinet by Thai Composers”. Rangsit Music Journal 12 (2):75-88.



Research Article