Schenkerian Analysis of Mathilda Sonata by Richard Wagner


  • วุฒินันท์ เลาหรัตนเวทย์


Analysis, Wagner, Schenker


This research presents an analysis of structural line and structural harmony of the Eine Sonate für das Album von Frau M.W. (Mathilda Sonata) composed by Richard Wagner. This research concentrates on the use of the Schenkerian method and focuses on a middle ground description. The research shows the characteristics of music composition in both structural line and structural harmony at all levels. The reduction process using the Schenkerian analysis method results in middle ground graph. Mathilda Sonata’s structure is different from traditional sonata. The Schenkerian analysis mentions that tonal music has the same fundamental structure. Structural harmony begins from the tonic to the dominant and then returns to the tonic. The result of the reduction process proves that the melodic structure is 3, 5, 4, 3, N, 3, 2 and 1. Furthermore, the fundamental of harmonic structure is I, III, ii, III, iii, ii, I, V and I.


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How to Cite

เลาหรัตนเวทย์ วุฒินันท์. 2017. “Schenkerian Analysis of Mathilda Sonata by Richard Wagner”. Rangsit Music Journal 12 (1):113-28.



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