The Study of Social Contexts that affect Continuing Higher Education - at Faculty of Fine Arts Srinakharinwirot University


  • สิชฌน์เศก ย่านเดิม


Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University, Social Contexts


The purpose of this research is to study of social contexts that affect continuing higher education at faculty of Fine Arts Srinakharinwirot university. The populations are 169 students who have learned in 1st year (Bachelor of Fine Arts program). The research methodology was done by using descriptive research and survey studies. The steps were taken in this research: (1) Simple Random the Population. (2) A corresponding questionnaire was given to the students. (3) The description of data Analysis by SPSS program. There are three Social contexts: (1) The population (2) The Social (3) The institution. And two factors related to choosing study: knowledge and interest. The results are (1) The level of student social opinion that affects continuing higher education at faculty of Fine Arts Srinakharinwirot university is medium level. The first opinion is about good occupation: durable, advance and well-known. The next minor opinion is about environment. (2) The level of student opinion related to choosing study that affects continuing higher education at faculty of Fine Arts Srinakharinwirot university is medium level. The opinions show that Image, Study expends, Place, Information respectively. (3) The level of students opinion factors related to choosing study that affect continuing higher education at faculty of Fine Arts Srinakharinwirot university is high level. The first opinion is about interesting. The next minor opinion is about knowledge and ability. Suggestions from the results. The University should arrange the Image of social contexts (the variety major, activity, the high standard teacher, the program study with modern) because it will be useful for increasing student population and good attitude.


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How to Cite

ย่านเดิม สิชฌน์เศก. 2018. “The Study of Social Contexts That Affect Continuing Higher Education - at Faculty of Fine Arts Srinakharinwirot University”. Rangsit Music Journal 3 (1):7-17.



บทความวิจัย | Research Article