A Study of School Marching Band and Management: A Case Study of Secondary School in the Eastern Educational Service Area


  • Sarawut Rotchanasiri Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University


School Marching Band, Secondary Schools


            This study aimed to examine three areas of school marching band management. The participants included 6 secondary schools in the Eastern educational service area. According to the method of recruiting musicians, the recruitments of most schools were usually available during the beginning of the first semester as part of school club activities. The recruitment process includes both practical examination and interview. For the music rehearsal management, the process started with the planning of rehearsal sessions during the day. Evening rehearsal sessions were adopted in every school. Special rehearsal sessions as well as music camps were also conducted. Rehearsals may include solo practice, small group practice and Concert band, Marching Band, Display and Symphonic Band. For the management of school marching band, most schools had only one marching band director. The band management included appointing student committee to assist the band director in different responsibilities such as the chief and deputy chief of the marching band. The band director must establish clear policies, objectives, procurement planning and budgeting, personnel management and daily and yearly rehearsal plans.

Author Biography

Sarawut Rotchanasiri, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University

ประธานสาขาวิชาดนตรีสากล มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏราชนครินทร์



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How to Cite

Rotchanasiri, Sarawut. 2021. “A Study of School Marching Band and Management: A Case Study of Secondary School in the Eastern Educational Service Area”. Rangsit Music Journal 16 (1):115-29. https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmj/article/view/187617.



บทความวิจัย | Research Article