Saxophone Practice Training Set, Molam


  • Phongphat Laokhonka MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITYKhamriang Sub-District, Kantarawichai District, Maha Sarakham 44150 Thailand


Molam, Practice Skill Set, Saxophone


            Research Saxophone practice training set, Mo Lam Purpose 1) Studying the knowledge of saxophone Molam playing 2) To develop skill training sets for saxophone practice. This research is a research and development To develop innovation and check the effectiveness of innovation. The research instruments were interview form, skill test and questionnaire. Present data in the form of descriptive analysis.

            The research found that The knowledge of saxophone Molam playing is to play the right saxophone playing with Isan folk songs, Molam, Lamwong, Laeyhaey. And saxophone Molam, playing techniques such as Articulation, Variation, Grace not, Realization, Trill. The development of a saxophone Molam practice skill set that has been applied to the experimental group (E1/E2) results 80.22/80.8 Higher than the
standard 80/80. In the development of the skills of the trainer, it was found that the trainees had a high level of development score. Can practice skills to follow the saxophone Molam skill set effectively. From the study of opinions It was found that the trainees were very satisfied with the skill set of the Saxophone Molam practice created.


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How to Cite

Laokhonka, Phongphat. 2021. “Saxophone Practice Training Set, Molam”. Rangsit Music Journal 16 (1):61-74.



บทความวิจัย | Research Article