The Construction of Measurement and Evaluation Tool For Wind Instrument Performance in Higher Education Institutes


  • Warinthorn Sisiadngam 0891593898
  • Pornpan Kaenampornpan Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Khon Kaen University
  • Supatra Vilailuck College of Music, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University


Measurement and Evaluation, Wind Instrument Performance


This study is aimed to 1) study the state of measurement and evaluation for wind instrument performance in higher education institutes, 2) produce measurement and evaluation tool for wind instrument in higher education institutes, and 3) check the quality of measurement and evaluation tool for wind instrument in higher education institutes. This research study is the combination of qualitative research which applied with Ethnographic Delpi Future Research (EDFR) and quantitative research.

          The result had found that 1) the state of measurement and evaluation for wind instrument performance courses, in average, the professors have performance in High level (M=4.11 and S.D.=0.87). 2) the construction of measurement and evaluation tool for wind instrument performance by five structures which consist of study purpose, situation for measurement and evaluation, tool for measurement and evaluation, measurement and evaluation method, and description of measurement and evaluation for wind instrument, those structures created seven measurement and evaluation tools as follows; Questionnaire for student’s expectation, Evaluation form for wind instrument performance, Survey of wind instrument list of performance, Criteria and evaluation form of giving credit for each structure, Criteria and evaluation form of giving credit for the whole structure, Student notebook and study record, and also other suitable measurement and evaluation tools for wind instrument performance course. And 3) measurement and evaluation tool for wind instrument performance has construct validity.                       The performance result of skilled students is higher than non-skilled students with statistical significance of 0.05. Moreover, the reliability of professors is at 0.78, and the reliability of the tool is at 0.83 which indicates that the tool is reliable and it could actually be used in measurement.


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How to Cite

Sisiadngam, Warinthorn, Pornpan Kaenampornpan, and Supatra Vilailuck. 2020. “The Construction of Measurement and Evaluation Tool For Wind Instrument Performance in Higher Education Institutes”. Rangsit Music Journal 15 (1):118-33.



Research Article