Ethical Code of Conduct of Thai Khadi Journal

Thai Khadi Journal fully realizes the importance of the maintenance of the publication ethics and, therefore, requires all the people concerned with the Journal to strictly observe the principles and standards regarding the publication standards and forbids all the practice that goes against such principles and standards in the following manners:


Ethical Code of Conduct of Journal Editor and Editorial Board

  • Responsible for the preparation of the Journal in an accountable and transparent manner, adhering to the requirements of the work and process of the publication of the Journal, discharging their duties to the best of their abilities.
  • Able to select new, innovative, creative research works that do not duplicate those of the past, in line with the set objectives of the Journal.
  • Knowledgeable and aware of the duties involved in the publication of the Journal in line with its objectives.
  • Appointing qualified referees to review the submitted papers, referees who are dedicated to the peer review and able to make appropriate comments to ensure the academic quality of the work for the academic world.
  • First and foremost, considering and screening each paper submitted for publication in the Journal, giving consideration to whether or not its contents are in line with the scope of the Journal and making a final examination of its quality after the review process before sending it to publication.
  • Deciding which papers should be published without any bias after the review by qualified referees, attaching importance to the correctness of the contents, academic rationality and benefits to the academic world, in line with the scope of the Journal.
  • Strictly following various steps of the Journal, maintaining its academic standards, and managing to ensure its quality on a regular basis.
  • Strictly forbidden to disclose any information of the author and referee and forbidden to disclose part or all of the contents of the paper while under the referee’s review under any circumstances.
  • Forbidden to have any conflict of interest or any stake with the author or referee under any circumstances.


Ethical Code of Conduct of Author

  • The author has knowledge and understanding about the standards of a good research paper/academic article.
  • The author has read and studied about the production of good papers from various quality academic journals.
  • The author produces quality research work meeting the requirements of research contents and methodologies.
  • The author is responsible for the presentation of his/her academic/technical contents to be published in the Journal.
  • The presentation of the paper for the Journal must not violate the rights and copyrights of others.
  • The author must give his/her assurance that the paper submitted for publication in Thai Khadi Journal has never been published before or is being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • The paper submitted for publication must follow the format prescribed by the Journal, providing references to the work of the author or others each time such references are made in his/her paper, and these references must be listed at the end of the paper.
  • The author must have integrity, by not fabricating false information, not distorting false information, and not importing false information in his/her finding report that he/she presented in the paper submitted for publication in the Journal.
  • Every author and co-author shall not deny his/her participation in the paper submitted for publication and shall not deny any responsibility whatsoever in the paper after it has been published in the Journal.


Ethical Code of Conduct of Reviewer

  • The reviewer has professional integrity, with no bias, giving frank and creative comments, leading to an improved version of the paper with the required academic standards.
  • The reviewer should accept to consider a paper when requested, as such consideration is a channel for exchange of academic experiences with professional peers, as well as a channel for providing valuable experience to new researchers.
  • The reviewer realizes his/her expertise in the science and study area to be reviewed and must undertake the review with primary consideration to the quality of the paper, based on academic principles, correctness and rationality, without any bias whatsoever.
  • The reviewer observes the time needed for the review of the paper within the timeframe prescribed by the Journal.
  • The qualified reviewer is forbidden to disclose confidential information of the paper submitted by the author for publication when it has not been published.
  • The qualified reviewer is forbidden to have any conflict of interest or any stake with the author of the paper whether directly or indirectly. If the reviewer sees that he/she has a stake or falls within the scope of a stake, he/she must immediately inform the Editor of the Journal and denies the request for the paper review.