Focus and Scope

The Journal of the Thai Khadi Research Institute is an academic journal published twice a year (1st issue January - June, 2nd issue July - December). It aims to promote research and disseminate research articles, academic articles and book reviews on Thai studies focusing on social science, humanities, political science, history, religious, art and culture. There is no publication fee for authors. Articles are refereed by professional peers. Views and opinions expressed in this journal are not necessarily those of the editors or editorial board, but are of individual contributors.



วารสารไทยคดีศึกษามีการกำหนดให้มีการเก็บเงินค่าดำเนินการจัดพิมพ์เผยแพร่บทความลงในวารสารไทยคดีศึกษา นับตั้งแต่วันที่ 1 มกราคม พ.ศ.2568 เป็นต้นไป เพื่อใช้สำหรับเป็นค่าตอบแทนผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิพิจารณาบทความและเพื่อเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายในการบริหารจัดการวารสารไทยคดีศึกษา โดยมีอัตราค่าธรรมเนียม ดังนี้ - บทความภาษาไทย บทความละ 4,000 บาท - บทความภาษาอังกฤษ บทความละ 6,000 บาท  



วารสารไทยคดีศึกษาไม่มีการเก็บค่าธรรมเนียมการตีพิมพ์บทความจากผู้เขียน จนถึงวันที่ 31 ธันวาคม 2567 

ยกเว้น ในกรณีที่ผู้เขียนขอยกเลิกการตีพิมพ์บทความในวารสารไทยคดีศึกษาไม่ว่าด้วยสาเหตุใด และหลังจากบทความเข้าสู่กระบวนการพิจารณาของผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิไปแล้ว ผู้เขียนจะต้องรับผิดชอบต่อค่าใช้จ่ายที่เกิดขึ้นในกระบวนการพิจารณาจากผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิจำนวน 3 ท่าน เป็นจำนวนเงิน 3,000 บาท (สามพันบาทถ้วน)



วารสารไทยคดีศึกษาเป็นวารสารที่ “ผ่านการรับรองคุณภาพจาก TCI (กลุ่มที่ 1)” มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อเผยแพร่บทความวิจัย บทความวิชาการ หรือบทวิจารณ์หนังสือที่เกี่ยวข้องกับไทยศึกษา ในด้านสังคมศาสตร์ มนุษยศาสตร์ และประเด็นร่วมสมัยที่น่าสนใจ ซึ่งต้องไม่เคยเผยแพร่หรือตีพิมพ์มาก่อน และทุกบทความจะได้รับการประเมินคุณภาพจากบรรณาธิการและผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิจำนวน 3 ท่านในสาขาที่เกี่ยวข้องในรูปแบบของ Double-blind peer review   * ดูระเบียบการเสนอบทความเพื่อตีพิมพ์ในวารสารไทยคดีศึกษาได้ที่   ** สามารถส่งต้นฉบับทางออนไลน์ได้ที่ (คู่มือการใช้งานระบบ Thaijo2 ได้ที่ เลือกเมนู Downloads)   สอบถามรายละเอียดข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ - Facebook วารสารไทยคดีศึกษา - E-mail : - โทร. 0-2613-3203-5 ต่อ 20, 21, 33

Vol. 21 No. 2 (2024): July - December 2024

              The Journal of the Thai Khadi Research Institute is a peer - reviewed journal that publishes research / academic articles in the areas of Thai studies. In this  issue (Vol. 21 No. 2) eight articles published are in history, religion, literature, knowledge and truth reconstruction, and tourism.

               Communication System between the Capital and Regional Cities from the Ayutthaya Period to the Reign of King Rama V by Wipat Lertrat tanarungsri and Julaporn Euarukskul

               This article investigates the hypothesis that pre - modern communication between the provinces and the capital city was delayed due to travel impediments and remoteness. Findings show that in inter - urban communications near the capital commands and reports were exchanged minus intermediaries. In capital-provincial communications, however, commands and reports were transmitted through city halls. As relaying cities were allowed to make decision when to deliver, most     commands and reports did not continuously travel from sender to receiver and sometimes sustained communication delays.

               Formation and Growth of Knowledge about Isan from 1897 to 1917 by Cherdchai Buddee and Visarut Phungsoondara

            This article studies the creation and expansion of knowledge about  Isan during 1897 and 1917. Results were that Isan knowledge was originated from Siam political policies toward the region, including threatening French colonization and governing differences between the ruler from Bangkok and Isan residents. “Chronicle of the Isan Provinces” and “Geography of Siam” were key texts used by Siam to integrate Isan residents with Laotian identity to Thainess. Interestingly, knowledge about Isan was not solely created and expanded by Siam; Isan intellectuals participated in relevant  processes by reproducing the knowledge and ideology in their writings.

            Nirat (Loek) Phai and Nirat Pen Thahan: Didactic Literature under the Royal - Nationalisitc Ideology by Phannarai Chanhiran

            This article explores two poems composed during the reign of King  Rama VI as didactic literature to instruct Siamese citizens in royal nationalistic ideology. Results were that, composed after a royal edict closed all remaining gambling venues in 1917 and promulgation of the Military Service Act in 1916, both poems featured characteristics of didactic literature, focusing on the  duties of citizenry towards the nation, religion and monarchy. In terms of teaching methods, both poems use literal words, figures of speech and fables. These findings may provide a new opportunity to review the history of specific literary genres during the reign of King Rama VI by relating them to socio - political contexts.

               Royal Hegemony and Water Management during the Reign of King Bhumiphol Adulyadej by Asa Kumpha

            This article explores water management in Thailand as led by the  monarchy during the reign of King Rama IX. Results were that since the Siamese revolution in 1932, the rapport between the king and water  management was reinvented, especially during the reign of King Rama IX, with the king no longer “an historical actor”. In this reign, water management   occurred through the dimension of royal hegemony arising from a long accumulative process of working on Royal projects and charisma that increased as the reign extended. Royal hegemony, rather than sovereign state power, served as the basis of the king’s water management initiatives, which were widely adopted and practiced by diverse sections.

               Wattangkuleeracha Jataka: Beliefs in the Creation of Buddha Statues in the Thai Buddhist Community by Saiyud Buathum

            This article analyzes the lore of Jataka tales in presenting beliefs about the creation of Buddha statues in Thai society, using narrative theory and the structure of Jataka tales as study guidelines. Results were that  Jataka tales  present four beliefs concerning the creation of Buddha statues, including    symbolizing the Buddha; representing endurance and longevity of Buddhism over five millennia; potential to be made from diverse materials; and generating happiness, success, power, and enlightenment. The lore of the  Jataka tales is essential not only to the creation of Buddha statues but also the existence of Buddhism in Thai society.

               The Maternal Construction of Women’s Mental Health: Language, Modern Psychiatric Practice, and Family Life in Developing Thailand from the 1950s to the 1970s by Boontariga Puangkham

            This article examines the impact of modern psychiatric knowledge in inventing Thai women’s selfhood and family roles during the 1950s and the 1970s. Results were that modern psychiatry did not merely diagnose women as insane or abnormal. Instead, it positively defined a normal Thai woman based on modern psychiatric principles, recast female roles and responsibilities through individual relationships with family and society, and illuminated     interactions between family members through specific knowledge - based roles. Women’s mental health has thus become a basis for the psychological well - being of the family, citizenry, and nation.

               The Praxis of Thai Teacherness: De / Re - construction in Pre -  service Teacher Education Curricula by Omsin Jatuporn

            This article studies the praxis of Thai teacherness de / reconstruction in pre - service teacher education curricula by defining Thai teacherness as social construction that becomes hegemonic knowledge. The qualitative method was used with emphasis on self - reflection and dialectic technique. Results   were that Thai teacherness existed as national - popular collective will; pedagogical approaches actively changed teachers and students’ entrenched ideas and thoughts; and the praxis of critical pedagogy through de / reconstruction of Thai teacherness demonstrated dual relationships of essential theoretical and praxis aspects needed for socio - cultural, economic, and political transformation.

               Developing Slow Tourism Potential in Chai Nat Province by Puriwaj Dachum and Dolruthai Jiarakul

            This article studies the tourism potential in Chai Nat province so as  to develop a slow tourism model. Results were that among 38 tourism resources only six resources have high potential for slow tourism development. Four activity routes were designed to meet slow tourists’ interest, including local temples, food, nature and lifestyles. Five local products were identified, among which was the Khao Tankwa pomelo, the best known provincial identity. The slow tourism model developed comprised three strategies: destination image branding; local community product promotion; and strengthening construction by civil society.

               Book review: Interregna in Comparison: Ineffective Adjustment  to Changes in the 18th Century among Three Mainland Southeast Asian Kingdoms by Nidhi Eoseewong. Review by Varintorn Siripongnapat and Natkamol Kunthong.

               This book gives insight into similarities and differences among three ancient kingdoms: Hanthawaddee - Ava, Ayutthaya, and Dai Viet, and the impact of foreign and domestic trade on population expansion. Since population characteristics tremendously affected administration, failure to adjust to changes in population led eventually to the collapse of the kingdoms. The book is recommended to both the general reader and scholars. It opens up an opportunity for many more comparative studies  in Southeast Asia, brings a better understanding of the impacts of socio - economic and political changes on a nation, while encouraging a broader interpretation and understanding of phenomenon and history in Thai society and Southeast Asia contexts.

               In summary, the articles published in the Journal of the Thai Khadi  Research Institute Vol. 21 No. 2 deals with a variety of subjects as diverse as history, politics, religion and contemporary culture. They illustrate knowledge dynamics grounded on recognizing that knowledge is not fixed but undergoes constant evolution through its interactions with socio - cultural, economic and political elements. Moreover, they illuminate the power of knowledge, wisdom, criticism and a continued scholarly contribution towards sustainable development for the well - being and prosperity of Thai society.

Published: 2024-12-24

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The Journal of the Thai Khadi Research Institute

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