Multiculturalism during Critical Times

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Bundit Grivijitr


            Becoming the main policy during 1960 - 1970, multiculturalism is highly welcome. Its origin can be traced back to the political concept of recognition and dignity. However, its implementation has caused anxiety and fear of foreigners, particularly of Muslim immigrants. Thus, this phenomenon is outstanding and has become the point of interesting debate amongst diverse scholars. This research article tries to present many issues: firstly, to highlight the history of multiculturalist policy from the beginning to its time of decadence. It is found that super-diversity is too hard to   handle the unequal distribution of resources in the Islamophobic atmosphere. Secondly, to address the limitation of this policy, which is the philosophical paradox. It is found that multiculturalism is problematic due to liberalism which, by underlining human dignity in the public sphere, emphasizes ethnocentrism while ignoring internal abuse within cultural religion and sexuality. With this issue, there is no flexibility to provide people the weapon to negotiate inside the society. Thirdly, to show the problems of multiculturalism around the world, including its failure, annulation, backlash, and resistance against the multiculturalist policy in supporting lives of immigrants and minority groups. Recently, some solutions have been proposed but are still not fully accepted, for instance, the integration of immigrants and minority groups in national culture and holding an identity as citizen. Somehow, it is probably too late to halt this crisis because of violence from radical right in European countries, North America, Australia and New Zealand.


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