The Meanings and Lessons Learned from the Story of Being an Arahanta of Phra Ongkhulimal

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Tiamjit Puangsomjit


            This article, “The Meanings and Lessons Learned from the Story  of Being an Arahanta of Phra Ongkhulimal”, has the objective to present the results of studying the meanings and lessons learned from the story of  being an Arahanta of Phra Ongkhulimal focusing on the search from Tripitaka Canon and Atthakatha (commentaries). It was found that this was the story of the life of an Arahanta Savaka (disciple) named Ongkhulimal that occurred as Kamma and results of Kamma for several Bhava (existences) and several Jati (births) until he had achieved the state of   Arahanta by living the life of a recluse to practice Samana Dhamma (Dhamma for Buddhist monks) alone with the intention to devote both his body and mind to the practice and refrain from Pamada (carelessness) until he had achieved the supreme Panna (wisdom). As for the concealed  meaning, it is the meaning in terms of Buddhist Dhamma principles which comprise the Kamma principle caused by Akusalamula (the three roots of evil: Lobha (greediness), Moha (ignorance) and Dosa (anger) respectively), and the ability to escape from these three evil roots by adhering to  the Dhamma principle of Trisikkha (training in higher morality, in higher mentality, and in higher wisdom), with the Buddha as Kalyanamitra (good friend) to provide guidance and assistance. It can be mentioned that this is a Sutta (discourse) that ingeniously compiles the meanings of important Buddhist Dhamma principles under the life story of a disciple who had achieved the state of Arahanta. There are several lessons that can be learned from this story, namely, the importance of changing Dhitthi (belief) from Micchadhitthi (false belief) to Sammadhitthi (true belief); the having of Trisikkha; the importance of Kalyanamitra; the damages caused by having Papamitra (sinful friend); the precautious idea on giving an opportunity for misbehaved persons to correct themselves that should be within the laws, regulations and appropriateness in order to prevent injustice in the society; the story of the occurrence of Jati (birth or rebirth) in the instant mind that is useful for achieving Dhamma; and the concept of Kamma will have effects that are highly sustainable. Therefore, each person should highly control his/her own body, words and mind in committing their own Kamma.


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